Jack Kittredge

Jack Kittredge

About Jack Kittredge

I grew up in Baltimore, graduated with a degree in history from Carleton College, and worked for a number of years doing anti-war, tenant, and community organizing in the midwest, Washington DC, and Massachusetts.

With a growing young family Julie and I moved to Barre in 1982, We wanted to raise our kids on a homestead: growing food, taking care of animals, understanding natural systems and learning self-reliance and a sustainable lifestyle. Our first step was to build a passive solar house incorporating a root cellar and using only wood for our hot water, cooking and house heat.

Since then we started a certified organic farm and got involved in the Northeast Organic Farming Association. Our interest in learning and teaching about sustainable living has continued to grow and in 2007 we set up the Many Hands Sustainability Center as a vehicle for this work.