Brian Freda

Brian Freda

Letter in support of the Many Hands Sustainability Center

July 17th, 2008

My name is Brian Freda and I am currently in the Almost Home Program. I was incarcerated for possession of various narcotics and credit card fraud, for which I now am on parole for at Almost Home. I was a good person that worked very hard, cared deeply for others, helped anyone, and was well respected by family, friends and the community. Then, when my addiction problems grew, I lost myself. I gave away, freely, any and all concern, love and care for myself and others. I went on a path of destruction that was self serving to my addiction and, knowing the consequences of my actions, compulsively hurt everyone close to me without remorse.

Today, I am, and have been, working on repairing these defects of character. I am determined to earn back the love, trust and respect of others and myself, the way it was before. One part of my recovery is giving back for the opportunities and gifts from many caring people who see me for my good qualities, not for my poor decisions that leave me labeled as a convicted felon who has done horrible and selfish deeds. The people I speak of see I deserve another chance. They see I'm trying to change for the better. Almost Home has many friends, people who selflessly take time to involve us in life, who share care, respect and love with us. I have been blessed for these gifts.

I enjoy most of all, going every Friday to the Many Hands Organic Farm in Barre to volunteer at Jack and Julie's farm. They have made everyone very much a part of their family. They talk to me with genuine care for how I'm doing, they wanted to get to know me and I felt the love and trust grow and openly shared with them. I value their friendship tremendously. I feel good working at the farm, being able to give back and selflessly help others makes me feel good about the person I am. I don't work there for these many things in return, I do because I don't expect anything in return. That is why I feel good about myself. Their friendship is a blessing from kind hearted people and from God, that is without comparison the best gift that keeps me going the right direction to a better person.


Brian Freda