Christopher Daviau

Christopher Daviau

Letter in support of the Many Hands Sustainability Center

July 20th, 2008

My name is Christopher Daviau and I am currently on parole and a resident at the Almost Home program located in Worcester, Ma. Once a week, members of the program and myself provide community service help to the good people of Many Hands Organic Farm. Being from the City of Worcester, I must admit my farm experience and knowledge was very limited. In all honesty, I could not tell the difference between your garden variety lettuce and kale. Not to mention the difference between organic and regular store bought produce. And truth be told, I did not really care. But being a part of the MHOF experience has changed my outlook.

Farm life is tedious and never ending, since there is always something that needs to be done. Whether its harvesting, weeding, planting, seeding, tending to the livestock, or equipment maintenance. Needless to say there is never a dull moment. Even though only I put in a days labor, I always leave exhausted. So I can not imagine working from sun up to sun down. But at the end of the day I feel a sense of accomplishment and achievement. Knowing I put in an honest day of hard work, which is something I definitely not accustom to doing!

To be part of something bigger than myself is a very satisfying experience. I'll admit my farm education has been enlightening up till this point. And I look forward to going every week. The people there are great, and treat us like family. Which, up to this point, people seem to consider us and just another repeat offender. They are truly caring and compassionate people, willing to give an ex-con like me a second chance. And I am truly grateful. Not only for the opportunity, but the experience.

Thank You Julie and friends of M H O Farm,

Christopher Daviau